Thursday, January 27, 2011

Why You're Not Getting Vocab Words This Week... again.

After only two successful 'Cella's Weekly Vocabulary' posts (one and two), you once again have to miss out on my clever lexicography and artistic skills.

"Why", you ask?

Because I have the attention span of a goldfish, I answer.
And also, please don't ask questions, I'm in the middle of writing a blog post.

That's rude, to interrupt like that.

I'm trying so hard to study for the GRE (and part of that studying involves me drawing cartoons, apparently), but I have trouble paying attention to anything, or sticking to a weekly schedule of anything.

So instead of some awesome vocab study, you get various dinosaurs in social situations.

Because I have trouble focusing.

And dinosaurs are fun to draw.

Much more fun than studying, and spending twenty minutes coming up with a clever drawing to go with the word 'Opprobrium'.

That's not easy.

You know what is easy?


Do you know how long that took?

Like ten minutes.
From start to finish, those took me ten minutes.

Most of that was spent coloring.

And during that entire time, I still haven't thought of any way to animate 'Opprobrium'.

Dinosaurs are the reason that I won't ever get into graduate school.

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