Thursday, January 13, 2011

Cella's Weekly Vocabulary: #2

(Note: My family computer, after making some very strange noises, decided to explode last night. Which means I cannot access my scanner.
So the following comics were drawn, as usual, and then photographed using my iPhone and highly contrasted on my laptop before coloring. This has changed the coloring of the ink I use in some of the pictures. If this bothers you, take a teaspoon of cement and harden the fuck up, it was the best I could do.
Also, I almost want to amend my iPhone post to brag about the quality of photo it takes: "Able to only slightly blur your comics in bad lighting!")

1. Oblique (adj) (oh bleek)

Definition: indirect or evasive; misleading or devious

Sentence written by people with no understanding of comedy: Usually open and friendly, Reynaldo has been behaving in a curiously oblique manner lately

Cella's sentence: My oblique explanation concerning what happens to our Halloween candy was not as believable as I had hoped, and the chocolate smeared on my face made it even more obvious that I was lying.

2. Misanthrope (noun) (mihs ahn throhp)

Definition: A person who dislikes others

Sentence written by people with no understanding of comedy: The Grinch was such a misanthrope that even the sight of children signing made him angry.

Cella's sentence: Before my morning coffee, I'm considered somewhat of a misanthrope. And I will hurt you.

3. Panoply (noun) (paa nuh plee)

Definition: Impressive array

Sentence written by people with no understanding of comedy: Her resume indicates a panoply of skills and accomplishments

Cella's sentence: When I was growing up, I wanted a panoply of ponies.

4. Obdurate (adj) (ahb duhr uht)

Definition: hardened in feeling resistant to persuasion

Sentence written by people with no understanding of comedy: The president was completely obdurate on the issue, and no amount of persuasion would change his mind.

Cella's sentence: As well as being hardened in structure, rocks are notoriously obdurate when it comes to their beliefs regarding taxes.

5. Enervate (verb) (ehn uhr vayt)

Definition: to reduce in strength

Sentence written by people with no understanding of comedy: The guerrillas hoped that a series of surprise attacks would enervate the regular army.

Cella's sentence: The gorillas hoped that a series of surprise attacks would enervate the regular army.

1 comment:

  1. :) Loved my vocab lesson today! That Yahoo definitions ad was pretty nifty too
