Friday, January 14, 2011

So, About Your Computer...

This last Wednesday seemed like any other day as I finished at work, and drove myself home.

But little did I know tragedy was about to strike.

I had received a text from my father letting me know that he and my step-mother would be out at a celebratory dinner to commemorate his new job.

As always, I was invited to join them, but it was two full freeway exits away which was a total of less than five entire minutes and I just couldn't be bothered.

So it happened that I arrived home to find the house empty and dark.

Which was when I heard it

There was a loud knocking coming from our study.
And it sounded almost... electronic.

Fearing a robotic attack, I summoned all my courage and attacked while I still had the element of surprise.

(No, it never occurred to me that as I make all the noise of a galumphing elephant when I come through the door that the robot overlords/possible robbers may have already heard me).

With out even the least trepidation I flung myself into the study.

Only to find that it was empty.

And the noise wasn't coming from robbers, or murderers, or even robots bent on human annihilation.

No, the noise was coming from our family computer.

And it sounded like the computer was full of gnomes banging on metal with small, gnomish hammers at random intervals.

So I spent the rest of the evening normally, trying to ignore the noise.

After a few hours, my father and step mom came home, and I alerted them to the fact that the family computer was either possessed or filled with tiny gnomes who may, or may not, be possessed.

We were going to need an exorcist either way, I assured my father, and told him that there was probably an entire section in the yellow pages that dealt with this sort of thing.

Long story short, father assured me that it was not gnomes, and nothing was possessed.
But the hard-drive was, apparently, totaled.

Which meant, until the magical computer people at the computer store were able to fix it, the family computer would not be functional.

I was inconsolable.

You see, though I have my own computer and laptop, the family computer is the one with a working scanner and printer.

Which is how I get all those lovely pictures I draw onto the computer for these posts.

So, without a scanner, my blog was stagnant.

All three of my readers were going to be devastated.

There had to be another way...

First I tried Paint:

Then the app 'DoodleBuddy'

Finally, I remembered that my iPhone could take photos.
Pretty good quality photos, actually.
That is, as long as you bother to use adequate lighting.

Which I did not.

So, my drawings looked like this:

With some highlighting and extreme contrasting, I managed to produce THIS POST.

As well as the one you're reading right now.

Take that, computer gnomes.

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