Thursday, August 26, 2010

Clearly not an adult yet

In order to avoid disagreements over money, which can easily tear great relationships apart, my father and I agreed it would be best to document all exchanges of rent/my monthly expenses through e-mail.

This was a great idea, until I remembered that I still behave much like a 5 year old, and lack the ability to take anything seriously.
The following is our e-mail exchange this morning regarding the month of August (all dollar amounts have been replaced with Xs).

Marcella Cline to jcline
show details 11:48 AM

For the month of August I authorise my father, Jack Cline, to remove X from my Chase account to be dolled out in the following:
X for rent and various expenses
X toward the balance of my car, reducing the debt to X
And finally $0 toward the upkeep of Samual Jackson, the pony I was promised as I child and never given.

To which I received the following e-mail.

jcline@XXXXXXXX to me
show details 12:11 PM

You can't name a pony Samual Jackson. I mean, REALLY?

No wonder no one ever gives you ponies.

Sometimes I wonder how long it will take me to grow up, and out of my 'silly phase'.
But then I talk to my father, and I realise this will likely never happen.


  1. AHAHAH! You're obviously not the only silly one. As you noticed.

    PS, I like that your dad's e-mail address is jcline@XXXXXXXX -- he's either money (like the other Xs) or a stripper (like the other dads). :)
