Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cella's Weekly Vocabulary: #4

1. Paragon: noun (paar uh gon)

Definition: a model of excellence or perfection.

Sample sentence given by people with no understanding of comedy: She's the paragon of what a judge should be: honest, intelligent and just.

Cella's Sentence: Cella is the paragon of what everything should be: ultra super awesome.

2. Opine: verb (oh pien)

Definition: to express an opinion

Sample sentence given by people with no understanding of comedy: At the "let's Chat Talk Show", the audience member opined that the guest was in the wrong.

Cella's Sentence: In the Pacific Northwest, it's not uncommon to hear even the pine trees opine about the weather.

3. Seraphic: adj (seh rah fihk)

Definition: angelic, sweet.

Sample sentence given by people with no understanding of comedy: Selena's seraphic appearance belied her nasty, bitter personality.

Cella's Sentence: Kittens may appear seraphic, and fuzzy. But, for the most part, it's a lie, to lure you into a false sense of security.

4. Specious: adj (spee shuhs)

Definition: having the ring of truth but actually being untrue

Sample sentence given by people with no understanding of comedy: After I followed up with some research on the matter, I realized that the charismatic politician's argument had been specious.

Cella's Sentence: My previous claim that Dino Rossi eats kittens may have been specious. Or, at least, not proven as of yet.

5. Rancor: noun (raan kukr)

Definition: bitter hatred

Sample sentence given by people with no understanding of comedy: Having been teased mercilessly for years, Jeff became filled with rancor toward those who had humiliated him.

Cella's Sentence: Even rancor does not come close to describing the absolute contempt I have for brussel sprouts

Cella Note: After spending all this last week studying at least two hours a day, I spent this entire Saturday watching Nip/Tuck in my pjs.
I have, officially, forgotten everything that I learned.

It has been replaced by soap opera drama, and the haunting image of what I'm convinced is Michael Jackson's long lost child.

Let's just hope there's a section in the GRE on sexually addicted and repressed plastic surgeons.

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