Thursday, November 25, 2010

Musically Challenged

Hi, my name is Marcella.

And I'm musically challenged.

Which would be fine, if it wasn't for the fact that nearly everyone in my life is a musician.

It is impossible for me not to surround myself with musicians.

You see, my father is a musician.

My brother, Carter, is a musician.

My eldest brother, Damon, is a musician.

My nephew Tristan is not only a musician, and not only has his own band, he has a blog about music.

True story; It's called The So & SoAnd it's great.

Check it out:

Now, I try not to brag about my relatives and their relative awesomeness, but Tristan has been playing an instrument from just about the time he learned to walk.

Music is his life.

I'm surrounded by people who value music to the same extent most of us value air.

Which would be fine, if I inherited the music gene that apparently runs in my family.

But I didn't.

I didn't even inherit the ability to understand music.

Now, don't get me wrong. When I was little I tried so hard to be a musician.
And my parents encouraged me every step of the way. I'm certain they were convinced that, eventually, I would find an instrument that I could actually play and prove myself a prodigy.

I believed it too.

Attempt One:

Attempt Two:

Attempt Three:

Attempt Four:

Finally, my family and I realized that, perhaps, music wasn't my thing.
I couldn't carry a tune if you gave me a bucket.

'But, thats fine', I told myself.
'Music is just one talent. Nothing to get upset over. Music will just never be a big part of my life'.

And for many years, it was fine.

So I grew up.
And I moved to Australia.
And I met a wonderful boy.

All the time forgetting that, while I didn't inherit the music gene, it is impossible for me not to surround myself with musicians

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